Who We Are:

We Are Disability Service Organization Established in 2021 July 19th As Limited By Guarantee (LBG) a non-governmental Organization (NGO) mainly to change the lives of People With Disability (PWDs) through Sport.

OUR MISSION IS TO EMBED INCLUSIVITY IN SPORTS. Providing world-class sustainable developmental programs inspired by the Paralympic movement further beyond borders and accessible to all.

Esteeming the power of sport to unite, promote peace and cross-culture opportunity as well as its life-transforming socioeconomic worth, SGM is confident to use sports as a transformational tool to bridge inequality, advance Sport education, advocacy and positively impact the levies of people living with disabilities for the better. Empowering with limitless opportunities in sports regardless of age, status and or gender. 

The Director


My passion, drive and enthusiasm are true, real and undeniable.
Always advocating and putting disability empowerment and sports promotion in the first place of everything I do or dream of.

I desire to contribute my very best to advance the inclusion action and to improve the socio-economic freedom of the PWDs (People living With Disabilities), making it possible to play and access adaptive sport regardless of one’s impediments. I am highly motivated and enthused by the hard-working athletes who brilliantly overcome disabilities across the world stunning viewers with incredible dedication and can-do spirit, demonstrating the limitless power of the mind making seemingly impossible possible.

PWDs do not need our sympathy but our respect and support; support enough to be included. It is evidence that sport is a business and life-transforming tool affording countless Paralympians the golden opportunities to be role models, impacting lives, earning decent living and respect of the family and society notwithstanding the global trotting opportunities.

It is therefore my greatest dream to see disability sport and journalism gain equal significance and dominance in society and the media landscape as much as possible.
Being included in the minute Sports Highlights and News segments across all media networks, with dedicated channels on Adaptive Sports all year round.

In the present era, sport is widely considered a career, boosting economic growth, tourism and opportunity for nations to market their respective fortunes.
A unique platform to learn, influence the word and spread a message.

Sport in no doubt is a promoter of better living conditions, eradicating extreme poverty, promoting inclusion, education with limitless health, socio-economic and cross-cultural values for all people, especially the PWDs.

It is no doubt a prudential push to promote and invest in disability sport and athletes to champion the inclusion actions to advance economic, education and employment growth.

We can work together to make it normal for the next generation to have a 100% inclusive society for all regardless of one’s status, location, sophistication or gender.

I look forward to working with Government authorities, Sports Federations and disabled athletes, Business and Civil society and all stakeholders across the globe to wealth while working relationship to develop disability sport, advancing Education, Empowerment and spreading the importance of Inclusion.

Best wishes
Ken. Kofi Kalai